Dr Jan Goss



Mindfulness Workshops Lytham – 10am – 4pm (£45): an opportunity to gain deeper understanding, through theory and practice – suitable for beginners, the curious, and established practitioners (we can always learn more!!). These workshops have proven to be a real turning point for participants in terms of understanding the principles of the practice and how mindfulness can be of practical benefit in everyday life. The workshops are informal and intimate – numbers are limited to 10 people ensuring everyone has the opportunity to ask the questions they want to. Some people attend these workshops on a regular basis to refresh their practice and deepen their understanding.

Mindfulness Practice Mornings – First Saturday of each month 10am – 1pm (£25): an opportunity for group practice – suitable for those with a grounding in the practice (e.g. having attended a one-day course, or the Wednesday meditation sessions)

Wednesday Mindfulness Meditation – each week  at 1pm, 7pm & 8pm (£5): an opportunity to practice each week with a group of mindfulness practitioners – these sessions last approximately 45 mins-1 hour and the groups at 1pm and 7pm are suitable for beginners. Booking is essential. These sessions enable us to ‘stay on track’ with our practice and to practice with others, which usually enables us to go deeper into the practice/present moment.

Mindful Living Retreat – The Isle of Muck, Inner Hebrides, Scotland (£350/£450) 2-9 May 2015: an opportunity for deep immersion in the practice, to really experience the benefits. The cost includes accommodation in shared rooms, all tuition and food (there is a requirement to bring some of your own food – but most of the food will be provided). Again, this will be a small and intimate group of 9 people (maximum). There will be guided meditations, indoors and out, and time to enjoy the tranquility of the island, to reflect, relax and rejuvenate. It is suitable for beginners and those who already practice – we will begin the week by transitioning into island/communal living, going deeper into the practice and the present moment as the week progresses. Living mindfully with others enables us to remind and be reminded of the practice 24/7, so that we bring presence and compassion to all that we engage in during the retreat.

Please contact me for more information or to book: jan@drjangoss.com

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